David Crew is a gamer and web lover. Read my blog or else I'll throw a Bomb-Omb at you. Lighted. :)

Posts tagged “halo killer news

The Halo Killer Gets Sentenced

Hey Everyone,

Remember that kid who went and lit up his mom and attempted to murder his father because they took away his Halo 3? Well here’s the end result: 23 years to life in prison. Luckily the dad survived, but that guy’s got to have some serious probs to do that to his ‘rents. And not only that, he did this before he shot them:

“… teen planned the murder for weeks before entering his parents’ bedroom and shooting them both in the head. Petric reportedly said “Close your eyes, I’ve got a surprise for you,” before pulling the trigger and then altering the crime scene to make it look like a murder-suicide. He then fled with the game.”

You sick fuck, go rot in your cell and get raped by a brute.

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